Monday, July 08, 2013

Why love

Why Love?

Why can’t we,
Just fall in love again?
Can’t we just see
That we’re each other’s end
Begin with soft spoken word
Of I love you, miss you, kiss you
Don’t we need this certainty?
Maybe not
Maybe we need to plunge into chaos
Not regular chaos either
The type where others are the boss
Fear is ether

Face facts we can’t fall in love
Because we refuse to
Release enough control to
Ourselves to go deep
Afraid to fail and wheel sleep
Because trusting the other person at the wheel
Is to easy

I guess I answered my own question
So these moments are the lesson
I’ve been ducking from learning
Still a victim fueled slave to yearning
That I deserve to be wanted
Chased after
Salivated for
The way others are and have
The way I’ve done for you
We can’t fall for you

We’re too afraid of heightsv

Thursday, July 04, 2013

The last petal

The last petal

The last petal
Falls from the flower
Made of metal
Conducting the power
Beauty in its weakness
As it floats and flutters to the ground
Its brightness leaving as gravity takes hold
Does it make a sound?
Because the movement is bold
The final petal of strength
The rose that grew in concrete
Don’t be too late
For if this petal reaches the street
A return to its mother it’ll never meet

Demise if a single petal, the last petal

Wednesday, July 03, 2013



Shake, shiver
Shake, shiver
I can’t believe I’m alone
How alone
I am
On this path
Me and four walls
A bed and water
I don’t have the strength to laugh
To accept calls
To make calls because I lack a loose quarter

I wanted to call
But words escape me
Like fleeting feelings
Bumping against a wall
Splattered for all to see
I see the colors
Beautiful like nothing I’ve ever seen
Description? Other
I know you have no idea what that means

Detoxing alone in prison
The prison of the minds eye
I listen
Clearly hearing spirits cry
To souls bound
To the unbound
Its making me crazy
I need time to make things less blurry

In this detox

Tuesday, July 02, 2013

The Iron throne

The Iron Throne

I’ve missed you
Forged from the swords
Of kings men
I Left your power
In this locked room
For a source I knew wouldn’t last
Penmanship on my diary so simple
Against this iron throne

Here sits the king of 7 kingdoms
With the power of Gods
Upon a throne forged with the blood & tears
Of knights of the kings guard
This war, this rebuilding process
Will be one for the ages

For as I sit upon this throne
Blood will spill with a blink of an eye
There lies a pile of bone
Belonging to the betrayers who had to die
My calm cool nature allowed me to forget
My power
My strength
My wisdom
Is aligned
With power you’ll never see
Never realize
Until its too late
For your king has returned
To his rightful place
Upon this iron throne
Oh how I’ve missed
The power you’ve given me
Allowed me to unleash on the world

At my discretion